通訳案内士名:内野 正子
読みがな:うちの まさこ
NAME:Uchino Masako
メッセージ:奄美大島で生まれ、大学進学のために島を離れるまで、奄美大島と沖永良部島(2歳~8歳)で育ちました。その後、18年の時を経て,2009年に奄美へUターン。一度島を離れてからこそ、「当たり前」にここにある自然・文化の素晴らしさを感じる日々です。ゆったり流れる時間の中で、奄美の魅力を感じて頂くお手伝いが出切れば嬉しいです。 Hello, I am Masako Uchido. I was born and grew up in Amami until I left for college. After spending 18 years in Tokyo, i came back that i realized how special Amami really is with natural beauty and rich culture. You're surrounded by beautiful sky, deep forest, clean air, and ocean with crystal clear water and coral reef. Flowers are blooming all year round, and you get to taste unique local cuisine and different kinds of fruits. Big cities have their charms, but our island also has a lot to offer. It may be not something big or glittering, but quiet and simple. I hope I can help many visitors to Amami find those ''small good things'' where time passes slowly. thank you !